In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus offered a two-fold invitation. First, Jesus offered rest. But Jesus also offered an opportunity to learn of Him (KJV) or from Him (NKJV). We want to learn "of" or about Jesus. We also want to learn "from" Him. Over the next several weeks, we're going to look at several passages in an effort to do just that.
Previous Posts in the Series: Part 1
This week, as we look to learn more from and about Jesus Christ, let's consider Hebrews 1:1-4. The theme of the book of Hebrews seems to be "Jesus is Better." Throughout the book, the writer talks about something and then goes on to tell how Jesus is better. This happens from the very beginning of the book. Jesus is better than the fathers and the prophets. Jesus is better than the angels. If we were to continue reading, we would find more and more examples.
There is so much to learn "of" and "from" Jesus in this passage. We're not going to fully consider everything we can learn in these four verses, but I want us to notice at least a couple of things.