In Bible class last night, the study focused on King Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2. If you recall, the dream was about a statue that was made of several different materials. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar the dream and then explained it to him.
The different materials represented different kingdoms or empires--Babylon included. Each section represented a new empire that would overthrow the previous. Definitely and interesting dream for a king. When King Nebuchadnezzar heard the interpretation he accepted it and acknowledged the power of Daniel's God.
"Why did Nebuchadnezzar so readily accept Daniel's interpretation of the dream?"
Good question! Obviously, Nebuchadnezzar was a powerful man. However, he didn't believe in God...he believed in gods. Why would he accept Daniel's interpretation without question? The key is that Daniel was the only one who was able to tell Nebuchadnezzar what his dream was. All of the king's wise men had failed, but Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar his dream and then the interpretation of it. Daniel showed God to be the "God of gods, Lord of kings, and Revealer of secrets" (Daniel 2:47 NKJV).
That led to a follow up question in the class:
"Then why don't people today readily accept the gospel message?"
Another good question! If the powerful King Nebuchadnezzar can hear the truth and immediately accept it, why do we sometimes have such a problem with it? I believe that for us to get to the root of the problem, we need to understand the "truth" that Nebuchadnezzar heard.
Daniel announces to the king that Babylon will be defeated. Babylon will not rule the world forever. But that's not what Nebuchadnezzar heard. Nebuchadnezzar heard, "you are the head of gold." That sounds a lot better. That's something that is a lot easier to accept. Nebuchadnezzar heard the whole truth, but only accepted what he wanted to hear. Nebuchadnezzar didn't accept the real truth!
So what about people today?
There are plenty who preach and teach what is known as a "prosperity gospel." It teaches health and wealth for all Christ followers. Sounds good, doesn't it? Many folks do readily accept that message. But is that the truth?
We want to hear about the "abundant life" of John 10:10, but we cringe when we hear about "suffering as a Christian" in 1 Peter 4:16. Yes, there is abundant life in Christ! But the whole truth is that there is also suffering.
If we believe Jesus was correct when He said that God's word is truth (John 17:17), then we cannot accept this "prosperity gospel" as truth!
The gospel is convicting and requires a change (Acts 2:37-38). That's not as easy to accept!
The whole truth--the real truth--was right in front of Nebuchadnezzar, and it is right in front of us! Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged God, but then changed nothing about his life. Are we willing to do more than just acknowledge God? Are we willing to change our lives do His will?
Do we listen for the whole truth or just parts we like from God's word?
Excellent blog James, I read both tonight.