Note: This article originally appeared in the Jonesboro Sun on July 18, 2014. The Washington Avenue church of Christ continues to publish articles every Friday in the Sun. We will be posting past articles from time to time on this site.
The Bible is a library containing 66 books written by about 40
different authors scattered across many countries over a period of about 1,600
years. The story of how this book came into being is truly remarkable. Given
the time and distance separating the various authors and the fact that there
are no real contradictions in the Bible, one must naturally conclude that it
could have only come from God.
The Bible itself claims to be inspired. Peter wrote, “Knowing this
first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For
the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake
as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:20-21). The Holy Spirit guided
the writers of the Bible so they could not make any mistakes. Because of this,
there are no real contradictions in the Bible. If there is something in the
scriptures that at first glance seems to be a contradiction, further study and
investigation will make the “apparent contradiction” disappear.
The fact that the Bible is true is shown by
several of its characteristics: It is scientifically
accurate, even though it is not a
science book. It is historically
accurate, even though it is not a history book. It is prophetically correct as seen in the many prophecies that have been
fulfilled beyond question. It is impartial
in that it presents the good and bad of all men. It presents the world’s highest moral standard. It has never been destroyed in spite of
countless attempts to eliminate it.
The Bible is God’s Word, and it needs to be
read, studied, and understood! Fortunately, with reading and study, we can
understand the Bible. Fortunately, too, we
can all understand the Bible the same way. There is only ONE interpretation of the Bible—GOD’S (2 Peter 1:20-21).
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