Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Learn From Me" - Part 2 (Hebrews 1:1-4)

In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus offered a two-fold invitation. First, Jesus offered rest. But Jesus also offered an opportunity to learn of Him (KJV) or from Him (NKJV). We want to learn "of" or about Jesus. We also want to learn "from" Him. Over the next several weeks, we're going to look at several passages in an effort to do just that.

Previous Posts in the SeriesPart 1

This week, as we look to learn more from and about Jesus Christ, let's consider Hebrews 1:1-4. The theme of the book of Hebrews seems to be "Jesus is Better." Throughout the book, the writer talks about something and then goes on to tell how Jesus is better. This happens from the very beginning of the book. Jesus is better than the fathers and the prophets. Jesus is better than the angels. If we were to continue reading, we would find more and more examples.

There is so much to learn "of" and "from" Jesus in this passage. We're not going to fully consider everything we can learn in these four verses, but I want us to notice at least a couple of things.

Jesus is speaking
  1. God has always had a way to communicate with His people. Throughout history, His methods have changed. God used to speak through the fathers (Patriarchal age). God used to speak through prophets (Mosaic age). These two "ages" are over. For the Jews, the Patriarchal age ended with the Law of Moses and the Mosaic age began. The Patriarchal age ended for the Gentiles when the Mosaic age ended for the Jews--at the cross. This began the Christian age.
  2. In the Christian age, God speaks through His Son. There is value in the words of the Old Testament (Romans 15:4). But we must realize that all of those words were spoken and written to lead us to Jesus (Galatians 3:24).
  3. Jesus spoke in the first century and He continues today in the 21st century. When Jesus speaks, we need to listen (John 12:48).
Jesus is God
  1. When Jesus speaks we need to listen because Jesus is God. The writer describes Jesus as the "heir of all things;" as the One through whom the worlds were made; as the "express image" of God; as the one who "purged our sins;" and as "better than the angels."
  2. From eternity past until His birth, Jesus was God. Jesus then chose to become man and give His life on the cross (Philippians 2:5-8). Jesus, as a man, was made "a little lower than the angels" (Hebrews 2:9).
  3. From His ascension to eternity future, Jesus has been (and always will be) God. Because of Jesus' death on the cross, He has been "highly exalted," His name is greater than any other, and He has been "crowned with glory and honor" (Philippians 2:9-10; Hebrews 2:9). 

Jesus is speaking, and when He speaks, He has the full authority of God (Matthew 28:18).

Let's listen to Jesus!

More importantly:

Let's do what Jesus says! -- Matthew 7:24-26

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